We are all the same!

We are all the same!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Five Great Ways to Talk about Gender Equality in the Workplace

After searching and reading a bunch of others opinions on the matter of gender equality, it becomes a more different situation when it comes to INSIDE the workplace. Outside of the workplace, there can be a controversial debate for awhile, but inside the workplace there can always be ways that we can settle the differences if we are willing.

After finding this article by Rita, I had read through 5 interesting and simple ways that we as individuals can go on to TALK about gender equality in the workplace. These 5 ways may not work at every workplace and/or every country or city, but it is a start for wherever you are located to take charge!

We have:

1) Run Sensitization Programs: These programs, as Rita says, are about putting leaders, managers, supervisors, and males into this program to learn how to communicate better without stereotype and knowing there is a diverse about of people in the organization.

2) Give Incentives: This will give females the chance to do things that only males can do. Meaning they can give the full presentation, take initiative, go globally to conferences and/or be the leader of a team.

3) Create Women-Only Networks: This means giving the chance for single mothers, or caregivers, or anything that women need to be a network and space for them.

4) Shun Stereotypes:  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. I don't have to tell you how many times a stereotype is put into place at a workplace. This goes for both men and women. As a woman myself, I feel it in my own job and even after talking to my female friends or family, I begin to understand that this is a spreading pattern over different organizations. This is something that we should NOT get over and just deal with. Shunning stereotypes is one essential step to talking about gender equality.

5) Create Role Models: This is another important conversation in an organization. Creating the perfect role model can be difficult but when you find a person with the characteristics of a diverse human with little bias can go a long way on the whole squad and team!!!! Finding a woman that empowers others can change quite a bit, it can be even intimidating so finding the right balance is necessary.

Bhattacharyya, Rica. "Five Ways to Talk Gender Equality at the Workplace." The Economic Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2015. 

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