We are all the same!

We are all the same!

Saturday, 21 February 2015


This is a topic that can be SO simple and yet people make it complex... We forget that we are all ONE and no matter what gender that is, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Its our responsibility to empower one another and show off those great traits.
In the end, women and men are different. We all communicate differently; we all have grown up in different areas, cultural aspects, and environments. It kind of goes down to nurture versus nature (which is a topic NOT for this blog). But its very important that we realize the strength we have on each other in the workplace.

Shunning the topic and acting as if your fine with the inequality in your job/organization, is NOT okay. Speak out, read blogs!!!!!! I have learned an abundance amount of strategies and stories that I could of never thought to think of before.

One last tip from me personally:
As a female, its hard not to be bias, but if I myself feel this gender talk & tension in the workplace, then I am 100% I am not the only one. If you are willing to change and communicate better as a team, it will benefit you completely. Do no look at someone as their gender, because work ethic is what matters. The amount of success and ambition in females can surprise you. Subconsciously stereotyping hurts as much as consciously. There is no battle of the sexes here, there should be no sexual harassments at work, or slimy jokes. We are women who want to be taken seriously and show our ambition.

I hope you enjoyed the blog postings and maybe learned different pockets of this intense topic :)

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